Shannel & Mike were a blast to work with. They chose Las Vegas as their wedding destination and we were SO excited to meet them there, for the first time, in person. They live in California and we never actually met in person until the day of the wedding. We had chatted several times over Skype leading up to their big day so, once we did finally meet it was like seeing our long lost friends. We LOVE connecting with our couples! Their day had so many great and unique moments. What better place for a wedding than the rooftop of a hotel that overlooks the Vegas Strip?! I know, right!
Shannel looked gorgeous. Check out those lashes!
We love when our couples opt into the “first look”. They get to spend so much more time with each other and way less time feeling stressed and nervous. Shannel and Mike chose this spot in the Luxor when Mike proposed to Shannel. The tears were flowing…
Shannel really knows how to “work the camera”.
Aside from the tough appearance in the previous photo, these two were really a couple of goofs! I love this photo of Shannel cracking up because Mike was hammin’ up the suspenders.
The Platinum Hotel was particularly interesting to Shannel and Mike 1. for the rooftop view and 2. for the potential photo ops in the main lobby. Loved the moodiness of these photos.
Check out that Vegas skyline in the back of Shannel and Mike. Awesome, right?!
Everyone was so emotional during this wedding. The merging of the two families was seeming to be such a great thing. Lots of tears of joy (Mike barely made it through his personalized vows… it was so cute.)
Everyone just killed it on the dance floor!
We loved spending the day with these two fabulous people and can’t wait to see them both again… soon (we are hearing rumors of a Trash the Dress session so, stay tuned for that!)