When I met Chelsea, she was coming along side her sis, Lacey, who was meeting with us to talk about her own wedding photography. Chelsea was being the supportive sister at the time and little did anyone know we would actually be shooting Chelsea’s wedding first! As it turns out, Lacey and Mike put their own plans on hold after finding out that mom was sick. Long story short, this entire family has such a unique and loving story, it was such an amazing privilege to spend the day with them all and capture all of these great memories that we know will be cherished for years and years to come!
Chelsea and Nick came to Flagstaff last year for their super fun E-Sesh, which made us SO excited for their wedding. There were threats of rain and the reception was moved from outdoors to inside. The ceremony site was moved back and forth several times because of the rain and the black rolling clouds. It was Chelsea’s dream to get married in a Garden. Phoenix is sprawling with lush gardens everywhere, right? Obviously, I am being totally sarcastic here, we all know that the next best thing to lush gardens is lots of green grass and Phoenix has TONS of golf courses. So, her heart was so set on getting married on the grass, outside. Mine would be too if I had dreamt of a garden wedding my whole life! Well, by some miracle, it stopped raining for one hour. Just enough time for them to get married, get all of the photos with their family, and get some great shots with each other. As soon as we stepped inside for the reception; downpour (no joke – it looked like a hurricane outside!).
It’s a little longer preface than usual for our blog but, it makes the story of their day that much more special. Enjoy!
For being threatened by rain, Chelsea was upbeat and radiant. She hid whatever disappointment she may have been feeling really well. Maybe that was due to the simple fact that she was marrying Nick whom she had spent the last many, many years of her life with.
Nick looked amazing. He is one of the nicest, kindest people you will ever meet.
Loved these shots that Renee snuck in. Chelsea and her dad were so excited that the sky had briefly cleared. I love the shot of Dad, Chelsea, and Rachel the coordinator peeking around the corner to see everyone at the ceremony site.
Tanner, one of their 3 golden retrievers, was the ring bearer of sorts. See that dark grey sky off in the distance? That was coming straight toward us!
Can I just say that I love the hand written vows!
Nick was all about the dipping!
Umbrellas. How appropriate haha.
Here are the guys doing their best Tebow
Lacey (the sister, remember?) had this cake topper specially made to look like Chelsea and Nick and their 3 puppies. It was so super cute.
Chelsea’s dad was such an amazing cheerleader the entire day. He should go into event coordinating. I love this photo of the father daughter dance.
Their reception was exactly what a reception should be – one big party! Did you see the photo of Nick with his hands on his hips? That is TOTALLY him bustin out his best Macarena moves.
We just love these two people. Thank you so much for choosing us to be a part of such an amazing and memorable day!