We feel like we are pretty clever on our own. I mean, we created our own logo, website, some crazy wording on our site, a hilarious “get to know R2” video and have created an R2 gang (you guys) that is the craziest real-life family ever invented BUT sometimes we need some help.
We had so many ideas for some new shirt phrases but most of them were 100% to inappropriate to wear in public. That says a lot seeing that we love the shock value! So we posted a little contest last week on our Facebook page for who could come up with a saying for the new T-Shirt we are designing and here were our top 3.
#1 This saying came from Rachel K. one of our R2 brides getting married this October. She sent in about 6 different ideas that all had us busting up over here in the studio!
#2 This one is from April M. one of Robins friends from grade-school. She is so right on with this one! If you don’t have pics it never happened….right?
And #3 This one comes from Chris A. We love when our Groom’s add their point of view and we couldn’t stop laughing at this one!
AND THE WINNER IS…… #3! Chris, this one fit the R2 style perfectly. Not only does it meet our “shock value” but it also fit with our branding, the quirkiness of our couples & is something we will be proud to wear. Guess what will be arriving in a package to your doorstep once these are ordered…..your very own R2 T-shirt! Woohoo!
Until next time,