We were so excited about Lynnzie & Matt’s Phoenix engagement session. Matt just signed with the Chicago White Sox and has been doing spring training at Camelback Ranch for the last few months. It seemed fitting that we throw some baseball themed engagement photos into this particular engagement session. We met up at Camelback Ranch to kick off their session. It was gorgeous out. Perfect for hanging out on the baseball field. Matt is actually starting his baseball season today so, it was imperative that rock out this session ASAP. On such short notice we were truly fortunate to get some of our good friends, Denise and Tanya , to help assist us with our session. Couldn’t have pull this day off without these two wonderful ladies and this fabulous R2 couple! We hope you enjoy this baseball engagement session!
Matt was so cute. He came up to me, Robin, and said, “I think it would be cool if I took Lynnzie out on the mound and you just photographed the whole scene.” I agreed, he grabbed her hand, and off they went. Love this shot of him kissing her hand.
These are some of my favorite shots from this baseball engagement session. You wouldn’t know it but, a game had just ended and this dug out was literally trashed. Tanya grabbed a broom and started sweeping all of the trash, ice, and sunflower seed shells to the other side of the dugout.
These two are super cute together.
Lynnzie “pinned” a bunch of baseball engagement session photos, which is how cracker jacks were entered into the mix. There were SO many awesome ideas and not enough time.
Lynnzie & Matt brought their cute little mascot along for the session. A reocurring theme of our session was saying “PUPPY TREAT!!” Anyone walking by would have thought we were all nuts; 6 people yelling “puppy treat” repeatedly.
Lynnzie drives by this abandoned house/lot every day on her way to Camelback Ranch. We actually had to hop a 4′ wire fence to get into this lot for these spectacular photos! So, after the baseball engagement session portion, this is where R2 got to rock out our signature “style”. It always helps when you have a fabulously gorgeous couple to work with.
I love the above shot. Matt had this idea (don’t let him fool you, he may look all tough and manly but Mr. Matt is chalk full of ideas, which I love!) to have Lynnzie “kick” him off the window ledge. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE all of the baseball stuff but THIS photo would be my personal choice for a Save the Date. Love it!
These two were so much fun. They knocked it out of the park! (There are so many baseball puns, it’s hard to hold back!) We are looking forward to their amazing wedding in November at The Boojum Tree and wish Matt a great season with the White Sox!!
The R2 Studio – Phoenix Engagement & Wedding Photographers
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